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The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

A line of students in purple shirts walk along a grey path. The path is lined with green trees, and to the side parents stand cheering and taking pictures.

First-year PAs plan for hybrid Wildcat Welcome, after going through fully virtual experience last year

May 20, 2021

Northwestern Peer Advisers are currently planning Wildcat Welcome for the class of 2025. For first-year Peer Advisers, they are planning for a partially in-person orientation they have never experienced...

Associate Vice President and Dean of Students Todd Adams. Adams will leave Northwestern to start a new position at the University of Denver.

Associate Vice President and Dean of Students Todd Adams to leave Northwestern for University of Denver

July 20, 2020

Todd Adams, the associate vice president and dean of students, will leave Northwestern to become the vice chancellor for student affairs at the University of Denver, according to a Monday news release. Adams...

Martinez: What I learned as a Peer Adviser

October 2, 2018

While I was nervous to sign up to become a Peer Adviser last year, I was extremely excited when I received my phone call and email that I was accepted. My PAs from freshman year were extremely influential,...

New podcast series shares stories about navigating first year at Northwestern

November 10, 2015

The First-Year Experience initiative within the Office of New Student and Family Programs recently created “This Northwestern Life,” a podcast series in which students can share their stories about...

Members of the class of 2017 participate in a team building exercise during Wildcat Welcome. Northwestern will implement a recruiting freeze that will be in effect during Wildcat Welcome.

Northwestern introduces recruitment freeze for student groups

July 1, 2014

Northwestern will implement a recruitment freeze at the beginning of Fall Quarter prohibiting all student groups from releasing applications and holding formal events aimed at recruiting new students until...

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Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881
First-Year Experience