When Jayda Cochrane, an eighth grader at Chute Middle School, was assigned a quarantine-inspired project in her media arts class, she wanted to capture the struggles she had with mental health during the...
Battling hunger, fear and financial strain, undocumented immigrants in Evanston are relying on local relief efforts to make ends meet during COVID-19.
As federal stimulus checks provide relief to 140...
For all your nonprofit needs, look no further than Evanston.
There’s Books & Breakfast, a before-school program that offers breakfast and homework assistance to Evanston students in need of additional...
Evanston is holding its first Juneteenth parade this year, after residents including Hendricks pushed the city for an inclusive alternative to the Fourth of July parade. Alderman Robin Rue Simmons (5th)...
Evanston community members engaged in an open discussion about redlining, racial discrimination and positive change Tuesday night at the Lorraine H. Morton Civic Center.
The event was the first in a...