Evanston Police Department issued 46 citations for hands-free law violations in April, it announced in a Thursday news release.
EPD said these citations were a combined effort with the Illinois State Police, local law enforcement and highway safety partners as part of the April Distracted Driving Awareness Month enforcement campaign.
“Issuing a citation is a proven way to get motorists to pay attention or pay the price,” said Cmdr. Scott Sophier in the release.
The EPD issued an additional 12 citations for speeding, seat belt use and other regulations in April, the release said.
The Illinois distracted driving campaign was funded by federal traffic safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
“Distracted Driving Awareness Month may be over, but we will continue our efforts to stop motorists from engaging in this deadly behavior,” Sophier said.
Email: mishaoberoi2027@u.northwestern.edu
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