News Quiz: African American Studies department name change, reproductive justice panel, Northwestern-Michigan lacrosse game

Jay Dugar, Newsroom Strategist



Thank you for taking our news quiz! Before sharing your results, read up on the Northwestern-Michigan women’s lacrosse game and the African American Studies department’s name change.

Thank you for taking our news quiz! Before sharing your results, read up on the Northwestern-Michigan women’s lacrosse game and the African American Studies department’s name change.

#1. What did the African American Studies department change its name to?

#2. Gate Neurosciences, an Indiana-based biotech startup, opened a lab in Evanston. Where is this lab based?

#3. What were language professors Elena Lanza and Taira Yasohama recently appointed co-directors of?

#4. Who moderated the reproductive justice panel that NU College Feminists hosted Tuesday?

#5. What was the final score in the Northwestern-Michigan women’s lacrosse game Sunday?



Twitter: @dugar_jay

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