News Quiz: President Schill’s Inauguration, Men’s Basketball, Evanston Restaurants

Jay Dugar, Newsroom Strategist



#1. When will University President Michael Schill be inaugurated?

#2. NU will be hosting Iowa at the Wildcats’ Classic on Nov 4. Where will this game be located?

#3. What was the final score in the Sunday men’s basketball game against Wisconsin?

#4. Evanston restaurants have begun using an app to sell leftover food at a discounted price to reduce food waste. What is the name of that app?

#5. Which student organization hosted Ziwe (Communication ‘14) and Larry Owens in Ryan Auditorium on Friday?


Thank you for taking our news quiz! Before sharing your results, read up on the Ziwe and Larry Owens show and the NU-Wisconsin Basketball Game.