City Council honors William ‘Bill’ Logan Jr., Evanston’s first Black police chief

Daily file photo by Angeli Mittal

The Lorraine H. Morton Civic Center. The city resolved to rename a section of McDaniel Ave after William ‘Bill’ Logan, Evanston’s first Black Chief of Police, at Monday night’s council meeting.

Lily Carey, Assistant City Editor

Evanston will rename a portion of McDaniel Ave between Nathaniel Place and Greenleaf Street after William ‘Bill’ Logan Jr., Evanston’s first Black Chief of Police, City Council decided Monday.

Logan served Evanston Police Department for over 30 years and helped found the Black Police Officers Association, which aimed to combat discrimination against the city’s Black and female police officers. The group won a court case during the 1980s which led to the promotion of other Black officers and the full recognition of female officers. The renaming is intended to recognize Logan for his work addressing racial discrimination within the city’s police force.

“Community service is an important part of my life, as is the feeling that gives me to help other people,” Logan said. “The most valuable thing that I have learned is to serve God by serving humanity, and to serve humanity by serving my community.”

Outside of the police force, Logan co-founded the Chessmen Club of the North Shore, which has given scholarships to Evanston Township High School students for over 40 years. He also co-founded the Fellowship of Afro-American Men Youth Basketball League.

Logan served as the Director of Safety at ETHS for 19 years, initiating several security programs at the school and becoming the Midwest Director for the National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officers.

The city is planning a number of events over the next few months to celebrate Logan’s upcoming 90th birthday, Ald. Peter Braithwaite (2nd) said.

Ald. Devon Reid (8th) commended Logan for his community work, citing the importance of strong Black role models in his own civic career.

“​As a young man of color, to be able to grow up in a community with so many heroes that I can look up to that are living now is really incredible,” Reid said.

Logan said his community service was inspired by his connection to those who came before him and laid the foundation for his work toward racial justice.

“I am elated and humbled, and my heart is filled with joy to be recognized like this by my community,” Logan said. “My life has been a journey with many challenges and life lessons acquired along the way. And this honor makes it all worthwhile.”

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