In Memoriam: Terra & Vine

Nixie Strazza, Reporter

Farewell to the best farfalle I’ve had in Evanston. 

After a prolonged pandemic shutdown, Italian restaurant Terra & Vine will officially close its doors at the end of the month. 

Known for its creamy pesto pasta and Sicilian-style pizza, the Maple Avenue location exemplified college elegance. A seat at its long leather booth was always a signifier of a special occasion — and an opportunity for a side of crispy brussels sprouts. Its vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free menus meant those with allergens could enjoy a delicious meal alongside unrestricted eaters with no compromise of quality. 

When friends and family visited, Terra & Vine was my go-to restaurant. It was over a plate of their Pasta Verdura that I enjoyed time with my parents and roommate during Family Weekend. I’ll look back on those memories — tinted by the warm glow of the pizza oven — with fondness and miss the veggie pasta in which I indulged.


Twitter: @NixieStrazza