Captured: Daily editors reveal their MOD obsession in the newsroom

Angeli Mittal/Daily Senior Staffer

Daily editors and reporters take a pause during a busy print night — whether they’re writing stories, editing those that make their way through the editing chain or putting together our digital content — to come together over pizza.

Angeli Mittal, Design Editor

It’s no secret that Daily staffers meet five nights a week to produce content. When we’re not in the newsroom, we may be found talking to sources, taking photos, recording audio or making graphics. But perhaps something that’s less known is our craving for MOD Pizza. Located on the ground floor of Norris University Center, MOD Pizza supplies our hungry staffers with food when we’re up late on the third floor editing stories or designing the print paper. 

Many of us have a traditional order that we always get when we’re in the newsroom. Others will take what they can get from underclassmen with a meal plan — especially when those underclassmen use their meal swipes to host a newsroom pizza party.

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