State, local leaders condemn President Trump, rioters in wake of U.S. Capitol breach

Daily file photo by Alison Albeda

While Evanston vaccination rates are above state and national averages, Mayor Steve Hagerty advises the community continue adhering to public health measures.

Maia Spoto, City Editor

After pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol Wednesday afternoon, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker called for President Donald Trump’s immediate impeachment and removal.

The violent mob delayed the ceremonial counting of electoral votes that was set to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. Trump released a video statement on Twitter a few hours after the initial breach in which he said, “Go home. We love you. You’re very special.”

At a rally Wednesday, Trump encouraged supporters to travel to Washington, D.C. and “get rid of the weak Congress people” to fight the approval of Biden’s win. 

Washington D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department arrested at least thirteen people amid the riot. One woman was fatally shot inside the U.S. Capitol. 

There is no doubt in my mind that his efforts to encourage a coup represent high treason to this democracy, our Constitution and all Americans,” Pritzker wrote. “He poses a danger to our nation.” 

Pritzker said he had to direct law enforcement resources away from “life-saving missions” and toward government buildings and the Capitol at Springfield in response to the events in Washington, D.C. 

Members of the Illinois congressional delegation also weighed in on Wednesday’s events.

Appearing on MSNBC, Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) said Trump was responsible for the violence at the Capitol, and that the protesters would not block her from moving forward with the Congressional count of electoral votes.

“If we have to be here all night and all day and tomorrow and the next, we will continue to carry out the work that needs to be done,” Duckworth said. 

Illinois lawmakers tweeted their responses to the Capitol breach throughout the afternoon.

By Wednesday evening, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Evanston) had joined a resolution calling for the expulsion of members of congress who incited the riot through their attempts to overturn the election. 

Northwestern President Morton Schapiro condemned the mob and called on elected officials to uphold the rule of law, affirm the results of the election and commit to a peaceful transition of power.

Schapiro quoted Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), who said Wednesday, “It is my sincere hope that we can move past this election together. We do not have to relinquish our core policy or ideological beliefs, but we must put aside our differences and remember that the nation itself will only survive if the people continue to have faith in its institutions.”

Evanston Mayor Steve Hagerty said in a statement he echoes Biden in condemning the attack and called on President Donald Trump to demand the removal and arrest of the rioters. Hagerty also said he commended the Capitol Police for defending representatives and public servants in Washington, D.C. Wednesday afternoon. 

He called Evanston residents to “raise their voices” in affirmation of a nation governed by the rule of law.

“Generations of people have come to the United States since its founding to seek asylum from brutal governments whose grip on power stems from the type of violent coup attempted today,” Hagerty wrote. “To witness this in the United States, instigated by the President, is unacceptable.”

Email: [email protected] 
Twitter: @maia_spoto 

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