Northwestern to follow Chicago’s Emergency Travel Order
July 9, 2020
Northwestern has announced it expects students, faculty and staff to comply with Chicago’s Emergency Travel Order, which directs people coming into Chicago from states with a surge in COVID-19 cases to quarantine for 14 days.
The Emergency Travel Order, released by the Chicago Department of Public Health, was released on July 2. The order includes people arriving from a designated state, and Chicago residents returning from a designated state.
It went into effect July 6, and as of July 10, currently only includes people living and working in Chicago, according to the University.
People from these states must quarantine upon arrival, according to the University update: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah. The list will be updated every Tuesday by the CDPH, and the order will go into effect the following Friday for the affected states.
There is no information available in the announcement regarding how students living on campus will comply with the order. An update from Interim Provost Kathleen Hagerty stated, however, that students should self-quarantine at home for two weeks prior to returning to campus to reduce the likelihood of contracting the virus. Those found in violation of the order, according to the CDPH, can be fined $100 to $500 per day up to $7,000.
Undergraduate students are expected to contact their academic program or dean of students with questions. Supervisors, faculty and staff should address the Office of Human Resources, and graduate students should contact The Graduate School or their academic program/department.
Clarification: This article has been clarified to more fully explain to whom this order applies.
Twitter: @emmaeedmund
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