The Daily earns Online Pacemaker as one of nation’s best college newspaper websites

Jonah Dylan, Managing Editor

The Daily Northwestern won an online pacemaker for one of the best college newspapers in the country, the Associated Collegiate Press announced last month.

The Pacemaker is considered the most prestigious award in college journalism. The awards are given annually by the ACP in four categories: newspaper, online, magazine and yearbook. The Daily was one of 13 online winners for 2018. The Daily has won the Pacemaker several times in the last few decades, with its last recognition in 2016.

Medill senior Nora Shelly, The Daily’s Editor in Chief, said winning a Pacemaker indicates the newsroom has improved a lot in the past few years.

“This award is recognition of years of hard work,” Shelly said. “I’m so proud of The Daily’s continued success in both digital and print platforms.”

Peter Kotecki (Weinberg ’18), who served as Editor in chief for Spring Quarter 2017, Fall Quarter 2017 and Spring Quarter 2018, said he was especially proud of The Daily’s digital achievements, including its first long-form video and continuous audio content.

“Being recognized as an online site and for our multimedia reporting is a testament to how much growth we’ve had over the last year,” he said. “I think we did achieve a lot over the last year in those areas.”

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