Evanston parks and recreation department to host marshmallow drop

Catherine Henderson, Assistant City Editor

Evanston children will seek their golden ticket — or golden marshmallow — at the marshmallow drop to celebrate the start of spring.

The Parks, Recreation and Community Service department will host a marshmallow drop at James Park. The event will be free to the public. A helicopter will drop “a blizzard of marshmallows” on the park, including three golden, “magic” marshmallows.

“How great is this,” city manager Wally Bobkiewicz tweeted. “I need to start training Baby Wally today for the event.”

The hunt will take place at 11 a.m. on March 30 for three age groups: ages four and under accompanied by an adult, ages 5 to 8 and ages 9 to 12. Children attending the spring break camp, Vacation Adventure Jr., will attend with counselors to join the festivities.

According to a Parks, Recreation and Community Service flyer, children will receive prizes for the most marshmallows collected, and the child in each age group who finds the golden marshmallow will win an age-appropriate grand prize.

At the Human Services committee meeting on March 5, aldermen brought up the event and discussed the cost and maintenance. According to the special event permit application, the department will designate a special drop area, equipped with extra garbage bags.

Email: catherinehenderson2021@u.northwestern.edu
Twitter: @caity_henderson