Tests in CCI confirm mold is present, not toxic

Daily file photo by Jonathan Dai

The outside of Ayers College of Commerce and Industry. An administrator told residents in an email Friday that a substance found in some rooms and a hallway in the building tested positive for mold.

Peter Kotecki, Campus Editor

Tests for mold on several students’ mattresses in Ayers College of Commerce and Industry came back positive on Friday, an administrator said.

Paul Riel, assistant vice president for residential and dining services, told CCI residents in an email that the tests found an elevated level of a common mold in some rooms and a hallway.

Riel said the mold is not toxic, but students may have severe reactions if they are allergic to mold. He said high concentrations of mold can also lead to allergy-like symptoms, including nasal stuffiness, wheezing and eye irritation. The kind of mold found in CCI is present all year long, both indoors and outdoors, he said.

On Oct. 30, several CCI residents reported seeing mold on their mattresses. About 50 mattresses in the building were replaced the next day, and Environmental Health and Safety staff collected samples on Tuesday to test the air and the substances on the mattresses.

Riel told The Daily that administrators are treating the problem as a building-wide issue but did not say how many CCI residents were affected.

He and his staff are working with Facilities Management to ensure that the ventilation system in CCI is not promoting the growth of mold, Riel said.

“Facilities Management staff are currently evaluating the ventilation system, and plan to monitor the humidity levels in the building,” he said in the email to residents. “In addition, Facilities Management will work with an independent contractor to ensure the ventilation system is operating according to design specifications.”

Environmental Health and Safety staff will conduct another air survey after the ventilation system has been tested, Riel said.

He asked CCI students to hang wet towels up to dry, as leaving them on the bed or floor can increase moisture and cause mold to occur. Riel also recommended that students clean liquid spills immediately and keep submitting requests related to mold through SchoolDude.

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