Fox News pundit John Stossel announced as College Republicans’ spring speaker
Source: John Stossel on Facebook
John Stossel
May 10, 2016
John Stossel, who hosts a show on the Fox Business Network, will speak on campus as College Republicans’ spring speaker this month.
In a speech titled “Attack on Freedom,” Stossel will discuss ways “liberty in America is under attack,” examining issues such as immigration, gun control and freedom of speech, according to a news release. The talk will take place in Leverone Hall on May 24.
Stossel, a fiscally conservative libertarian, will provide a different perspective than previous College Republican speakers, said McCormick sophomore David Donnelly, the group’s treasurer.
“We kind of wanted to break out this quarter and get a little bit of a fresh voice,” Donnelly said. “(Stossel is) going to talk about a lot of issues that aren’t really talked about often, which is our goal, to bring in speakers who are going to offer a fresher perspective than what we are used to hearing on college campuses.”
Stossel hosts Fox Business Network’s “Stossel,” a weekly show that approaches consumer issues from a libertarian point of view. He also appears regularly on Fox News and was previously an anchor for ABC’s show “20/20.”
College Republicans hosted former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich in the fall and conservative journalist Katie Pavlich in February.
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