Best Drunchies: Cheesie’s Pub and Grub

Amy Whyte, Development and Recruitment Editor

622 Davis St., 847-868-8686,

After a night filled with solo cups and house music, nothing hits the spot quite like Cheesie’s Pub & Grub. As one of Evanston’s few late night offerings, Cheesie’s is a drunken college student’s dream, complete with gooey gourmet grilled cheese and a social post-game atmosphere. Its low-priced menu is a masterpiece of alcohol-induced carb loading, including sandwiches stuffed with mac and cheese (The Mac), french fries (The Frenchie) and chicken tenders (The Tenderizer). Its appetizers, too, are mouth-wateringly indulgent, including such guilty pleasure morsels as fried pickles and cheese curds. The perfect final destination after an evening of bar- and party-hopping, Cheesie’s is even outfitted with its own bar for those trying to keep the party going a little longer. And for those unwilling to brave the polar vortex, no need to fear — Cheesie’s delivers.

— Amy Whyte