From the staff …
Go ahead — Just throw it in my face
I am lucky enough to be on one of SodexhoUSA’s oh-so-tasty andfairly priced meal plans. And while enduring tastebud assaults at1835 Hinman, my sight also is being assaulted by Sodexho’s constantcampaigning on table tops and dining hall walls with those catchyslogans like, “So fresh they should be slapped.”
Well, I feel slapped. Slapped in the face by pictures ofbetter-looking food. Look, Sodexho, when someone bitch-slaps me Ijust don’t take it. Those of us on meal plans have to eat at yourfood, so why bother?
Why don’t you take the money that you spend making glossyposters and spend it on something like better food?
— Andrea Damewood
Best strategy yet to derail the Lakers
Having covered police for a few months, I’ve gotten used tostrange crime stories. But Monday’s blotter offered a new one, withEvanston Police Department accusing a local man of trying to robWhite Hen, then saying during the struggle with the clerk, “Youbetter let me go or else I’ll bite you, and I’m HIV positive.”
Of course everyone is innocent until found guilty. But if thisstory is true, we have a revolutionary new brand of criminal on ourhands.
We also must ask some questions about this individual’sjudgement. Who did he think the clerk was, Karl Malone? Last time Ichecked, the world’s most homophobic “mailman” was busy riding Shaqand Kobe’s coattails to the NBA Finals. But once he retires, we nowall know how to rob him.
— Jesse Abrams-Morley
Too much fun? Not if it’s up to them
Get out of the way, Jerry Falwell. Step aside, CollegeRepublicans. Northwestern’s Evanston Campus — and America — havea new moral majority, the Dillo Day: Keep It Safe Project.
In ads that appeared in The Daily beginning last week, thisgroup of righteous crusaders has provided us with such astutewarnings as “Many law schools and medical schools ask about aprospective student’s disciplinary record” and “Your disciplinaryrecord at Northwestern can affect your opportunity to studyabroad.”
Give me a break. Saying professional schools give two hootsabout whether I was caught with a red cup one day of the year holdsas much water as the claim that having an extramarital affair makessomeone unfit to be president of the United States.
Besides, the study abroad ad makes no sense when Dillo Dayfrankly is fantastic training for students traveling to any numberof countries where drinking is celebrated — including Germany,home of the beer-guzzling Oktoberfest, which makes Dillo Day looklike Dull-o Day.
Maybe this is why Mayfest is a wee bit slow on securingcontracts with possible bands. What group would want to play at NUwhen the No Fun Police are on the prowl?
— Jerome C. Pandell
Time to eliminate the paper trail
Spring is open season for groups trying to get their messagesout to students at The Arch and The Rock. Everyone can appreciate agood gimmick, like a frat guy in a hot-dog costume or a line ofwannabe drummers beating on plastic buckets.
But with all those small squares of paper some groups shove intostudents’ hands going straight into the garbage — or, worse, onthe ground — maybe the less creative crews should rethink their PRstrategies.
The only thing less effective than printing thousands of fliersto become instant trash would be running ads in The Daily tellingpeople not to drink on Dillo Day.
— Elaine Helm