Northwestern will allocate money to seven more student causesnext year, based on this year’s University Budget PrioritiesCommittee requests approved Thursday.
Several diverse requests were approved this year — includingincreasing the number of specialized classes for non-majors,improving fitness equipment at Blomquist Recreation Center,providing space and staff for a lesbian, gay, bisexual andtransgender resource center, increasing campus lighting, revampingHereAndNow, improving on-campus accessibility for disabled personsand placing more recycling bins on the Evanston Campus.
Although UBPC gave high priority to a proposal to extendcomputer lab hours, administrators did not fund the project becauseof budgetary constraints.
Although an exact cost figure has not been set due to the largepossible variance in request prices, Senior Vice President forBusiness and Finance Eugene Sunshine said UBPC made an extra effortto spread the wealth.
“A lot of credit goes for the quality of work performed,”Sunshine said. “It researched extremely well, prioritized proposalsand sought and received considerable advice.”
Other proposals did not receive funding. In addition to computerlab hours not being extended, an environmental studies major willnot be created, technological enhancements will not be added toRyan Auditorium and heat shelters will not be added to campusshuttle bus stops.
But UBPC member Jay Goyal said the request process went smoothlyand administrators adequately responded to student needs. Still, hesaid he was disappointed that some of the requests weren’tgranted.
“I do wish they had funded the 24-hour computer lab andspecified what enhancements they would make with the LGBT center,”said Goyal, a McCormick senior. “They don’t (specify) what theywill do.”
Following numerous complaints that the Evanston Campus was notsufficiently lit up at night, NU officials added more lighting latelast spring and last summer. Now additional lighting will be addedto the walkway between Swift Hall and Deering Library.
More recycling bins also will be placed at the corner of NoyesStreet and Sheridan Road, on the corner of Library Place and infront of 600 and 610 Lincoln.
In addition, NU will continue to fund the LGBT Support Networkand will provide increased space for an LGBT Resource Center eitherin Norris University Center or in another space. But sufficientfunds to hire staff for the resource center are not available.
The budget for making all academic buildings compliant with theAmericans with Disabilities Act will increase from $500,000 to$550,000 in addition to adjustments for inflation.
Medill sophomore Daniel Ellman, a member of Wheels for Change,said the university needs to further address the needs of studentswith disabilities. He said he still cannot access the second levelof many campus buildings.
“It’s something that needs to happen,” said Ellman. “Theuniversity doesn’t put enough (resources) into compliance andaccessibility.”