Despite battling less than satisfactory pool conditions and the distractions of a foreign country, the men’s swimming team returned to campus after Winter Break stronger and more prepared for the remainder of the season.
The swimmers traveled to Argentina for their annual two-week training trip — the first time NU’s team ventured outside of the United States. In recent years the team had traveled to Hawaii, but this time the swimmers had a chance to experience a foreign culture.
“It was a lot different than the other training trips,” said senior Kellan O’Connor. “We were more immersed in the culture.”
While the swimmers enjoyed their time abroad, the main focus of the trip was swimming. The team usually practiced twice each day in a pool that lacked the comforts of NU’s Norris Aquatics Center.
Not only did the team struggle with a shallow and narrow pool, but they also faced choppy swimming conditions. Unlike NU’s pool, which has elaborate lane lines that control the smoothness of the water, the foreign pool used only ropes as lane dividers. As a result, the swimmers were slowed down by waves made by their teammates.
“You’re not able to swim as fast as you know you can swim,” said NU coach Bob Groseth.
Despite the disappointing swimming conditions, the swimmers said the Argentinian pool prepared them well for the rest of the season.
While the team could have experienced a better pool had they stayed in Evanston, the excitement of a foreign country helped make the trip a success.
“I got to do a bunch of stuff for the first time, (including) horseback riding (and) kayaking,” senior Mike Shue said.
While many swimmers knew enough Spanish to communicate, the Argentinian customs caused some problems. For the first three days, each of the team’s three daily meals lasted more than two hours and contained several courses. Although the swimmers enjoyed the meals, the coaches decided to shorten meal times after the first few days to give them more time in the pool.
“It was a great experience to eat as much as we did,” said O’Connor, the team’s captain.
When the team wasn’t dining or swimming, they were enjoying the Argentinian experience.
“The biggest thing for me was our first day off,” O’Connor said. “We went to this beach which had all girls our age. Someone told us these are the hottest women you’ll ever see.”
At the beach and throughout the trip to Argentina, the players were well-behaved. But O’Connor isn’t sure what would have happened if they had not been so focused on swimming.
“If we would have stayed in Mar del Plata we would have gotten into trouble,” he said.