An American Red Cross benefit held Friday night at Wolfgang Puck Grand Cafe raised about $2,700, assistant general manager Trudy Thomas said.
About 100 people attended the two-hour event, donning ribboned flag pins. Everyone paid a $20 entry fee, but Thomas said some people donated more.
The restaurant, 1701 Maple Ave., also held a silent auction and raffle, but Thomas said about 80 percent of the money came from admittance.
“It was a really good turnout,” Thomas said. “We didn’t know what to expect since it wasn’t R.S.V.P.”
Signs were posted around town and fliers were sent out to publicize the event, the restaurant’s first benefit, Thomas said.
Guests at the benefit were treated to hors d’oeuvres, desserts, specialty salads and appetizers, including a moon-shaped ice sculpture down which the bartender poured vodka into martini glasses. Because the event was held outside, the restaurant provided heaters.
“It was a really good thing for our staff to contribute,” Thomas said. “They really put their heart and soul into this benefit and knocked themselves out.”
Thomas said a wide variety of people attended the event, ranging from Evanston residents to students to guests from Chicago and surrounding suburbs.
Thomas said that while the restaurant has no future plans for more benefits, they will do another one if the opportunity arises.