The looming threat of foul weather on Saturday postponed for one week the Residential College Board Field Day – and the Master’s Mile race that accompanies it.
RCB’s executive board made the decision to postpone the day’s events at around 9:30 a.m. after waking up to slight drizzles and a gray sky. But after the Field Day was canceled, the weather improved drastically.
“The weather didn’t seem to bad to me,” said Claire Wilmoth, president of Willard Residential College. “I was surprised they would cancel it. I felt like it was a shame because it might have worked out.”
RCB President Prashant Velagaleti said that although rain never poured down on the Lakefill, the weather conditions still weren’t ideal.
Velagaleti also said faulty communication caused a few residential college masters to show up to the empty Lakefill. He said the professors’ numbers weren’t listed, so RCB executive board members weren’t able to contact them.
Although the Master’s Mile – in which residential college residents race their dorms’ masters around the Lakefill in a stolen shopping cart – will go on as scheduled next week, other events might have to be canceled.
Velagaleti said the athletic fields on the Lakefill are reserved next weekend, so the planned ultimate Frisbee tournament might not be able to take place.
Andrew Farwig, president of Communications Residential College, said he was disappointed that the Field Day had been postponed because CRC had been planning activities for it all quarter. But he didn’t blame RCB executive board members for not being able to predict the weather.
“In hindsight it would have been nice to have the Field Day, but there’s no way we would have known early in the day that the rain wouldn’t pan out,” said Farwig, a Weinberg junior.
Michael Mahler, Jones Fine and Performing Arts Residential College president, said the postponement might actually help his dorm be more prepared for the Master’s Mile.
“We were desperately trying to find a pair of broomsticks to push the shopping cart around,” said Mahler, a Weinberg freshman.
Velagaleti said RCB’s next challenge would be to make sure there are no problems with the Field Day coinciding with another event next weekend – Mother’s Day.
“I can understand why people would have plans,” he said, ” but hopefully we can avoid that conflict.”