A long day’s night: Back when we were all less inhibited, people celebratedthe summer solstice by leaping around bonfires and worshiping the fertilitygoddess in the bushes. Since you’re unlikely to find such a celebration inmodern-day Evanston, get on the “L” and check out the Museum ofContemporary Art’s fifth annual Summer Solstice Celebration.
The museum will be open from 5 p.m. Friday to 5 p.m. Saturday. Visitors canview different exhibits including “Alexander Calder in Focus” and “Age ofInfluence: Reflection in the Mirror of American Culture.” Various artistswill perform, beginning with Movable Beast Dance Festival. Grrrrr.
Admission is $7 for 24 hours, but it’s free to the first 3,500 people whobring two non-perishable food items. For more information call (312)280-2660.
Art for people’s sake: It’s close, it’s free and it’s well-attended.Usually about 20,000 people turn out to see 150 local and national artistsexhibit their handiwork at Evanston’s Fountain Square Festival. Thefestival, which will take place this weekend on Sherman Avenue and ChurchStreet, will run from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Available art will run the range of media: jewelry, ceramics, woodworks,sculpture and painting.
Not what the doctor ordered: Fans of Dr. Laura Schlessinger, beware. Thelatest comedy review from Gayco Productions, “The Miseducation of Dr.Laura,” does not kindly present the woman known for her inflammatorycomments about homosexuals.
The show runs Saturday nights at 8 p.m. until July 15. It is located atDonny’s Skybox Studio Theatre, 4th floor, Piper’s Alley, 1608 N. Wells.Tickets are $12; to reserve them call (312) 337-3992.
The kids can play: Come see the John Malkoviches and Gary Sinises oftomorrow at the Garage at Steppenwolf for the closing weekend of Chicago’sfirst-ever Youth Theater Festival.
Different youth companies from the city and the ‘burbs will perform at 1624N. Halsted St. today through June 25.
Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students (18 and under). For ticketscall (312) 335-1650.