The Chicago theater scene has embraced Northwestern alum Travis Turner (Communication ’05), who plays the only nameless character in the cast of “The Upstairs Concierge,” a comedy playing...
Associated Student Government Senate voted Wednesday to change its constitution by adding an article about the organization's non-discrimination policy.
The addition, which will be the first article...
No one said theater is easy.
In film, at the very least, each project is its own individual work, which, unless it's a remake, has never been done before. Even a remake will have a different script...
It's rare, especially in this day and age, that we hear a story that is truly simple. A character moves from stasis into conflict, goes through trials to overcome the conflict and eventually overcomes...
In many ways, Josie Nordman is a typical Northwestern student: a theater major trying to balance her classes while she produces a student show, a member of the executive board of the NU Equestrian Team and...