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Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

The CTEC office is located in the Rebecca Crown Center, 633 Clark St. This quarter’s CTECs will assess the quality of remote teaching.

CTEC responses this quarter will assess remote learning, won’t be public

May 19, 2020

Though CTECs will still be collected during Spring Quarter, responses will not be public, Faculty Senate President and Feinberg Prof. Lois Hedman announced at the April 13 Faculty Senate meeting. Deans...

Augustine: Students should be able to complete CTECs for dropped courses

Augustine: Students should be able to complete CTECs for dropped courses

November 24, 2019

At the end of each academic quarter at Northwestern, every student receives an email from the University’s Course and Teacher Evaluation Council Office to complete course evaluations. These evaluations,...

Gates: Spend time reading CTECs

Gates: Spend time reading CTECs

November 12, 2014

As we prepare to make our class selections for Winter Quarter next week, NU students are again faced with the quarterly decision of what courses to sign up for. Given the wide variety of course offerings...

Caracotsios: Taking CTECs with a grain of salt

Caracotsios: Taking CTECs with a grain of salt

August 1, 2013

As a freshman, I thought that Course and Teacher Evaluations were the greatest thing ever. I spent hours reading different professors’ CTECs to make sure that I was taking the “optimal” courses with...

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Course and Teacher Evaluations