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The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Vandalizing The Rock precludes effective dialogue about Greek life

March 4, 2018

I understand — and largely agree — with students’ issues regarding Greek life, and these positions have forced me to have serious internal debates about my involvement. I, along with many in my Phi...

Letter to the Editor: Engage with potential ASG tobacco smoking referendum

February 28, 2018

Within the last decade, one particular issue has continued to remain an unresolved discussion on campus despite having resurfaced numerous times — tobacco smoking on campus. As this issue directly impacts...

Letter to the Editor: Guns are the central issue in gun violence

February 25, 2018

While I appreciate publishing opinion pieces from all sides, I think Jacob Rowden’s column on gun control leaves out a lot of important facts. To start, only a few comprehensive, published studies...

Letter to the Editor: Disclose and divest NU’s firearms funding

February 23, 2018

Three student movements have focused on Northwestern’s endowment investments: Fossil Free NU, Unshackle NU and NU Divest. It's time to add a fourth: Divest Firearms Funding. Gun makers fuel the National...

Letter to the Editor: Building a graduate union: A labor of love

February 20, 2018

Graduate students at Northwestern lead busy lives. We teach undergraduates and grade their projects and exams. We write grant proposals and perform research. And when we have exhausted those duties, we...

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Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881
Letters to the Editor