News Quiz: Men’s Basketball, Black History Month and the “Get the Lead Out” partnership

Jay Dugar, Newsroom Strategist



Thank you for taking our news quiz! Before sharing your results, read up on the History of Abortion course and the NU-Iowa Basketball Game.

Thank you for taking our news quiz! Before sharing your results, read up on the History of Abortion course and the NU-Iowa Basketball Game.

#1. NU researchers recently discovered aging is driven by unbalanced genes. Who was the principal investigator in this study?

#2. Which professor is teaching History 393-0: History of Abortion in the United States this quarter?

#3. Which of the following events is not scheduled for Black History Month in Evanston?

#4. Last week, Vice President Kamala Harris announced the “Get the Lead Out” partnership to accelerate lead pipe service line replacement. Evanston is one of how many Illinois municipalities to join this partnership?

#5. What was the final score in Tuesday’s men’s basketball game against Iowa?


Related Stories:

—  NU researchers discover aging is driven by unbalanced genes

—  Evanston events commemorate Black History Month

—  City Mayor Daniel Biss attends White House summit on lead pipe replacement