In Memoriam: Urban Outfitters
February 28, 2022
As one of the few branded clothing stores in Evanston, it’s hard not to recognize the loss of Urban Outfitters — especially its sale section. Even though I rarely visited, it was comforting to know I had at least one clothing store in Evanston to fall back on, whether it was for a funky Dillo Day outfit or one of their seamless basics.
Despite my initial shock at the news, I’ll freely admit I honestly do not care about Urban’s closure. It could be the fact I probably went in twice in my three years here. Maybe it’s my distaste towards the fast fashion industry as a whole, or the fact I maybe fit into a third of their clothes. What about the ludicrous prices? Probably all of the above.
Still, I get the hype. The hipster decor, kitschy home accessories and allure of buying into the latest trends have drawn me into the store time and time again. I’d be a liar if I didn’t acknowledge I do occasionally peruse their website.
I also recognize clothing store choices are slim in Evanston, especially for a college student looking for something on a time crunch. If you’re still looking for your Urban fix, might I suggest the (much cheaper) Urban Outfitters surplus store, located not too far from the Fullerton CTA station.
Twitter: @yikesmeher