Hot from the Oven: From farm to tavern, locally-sourced Farmhouse creates Midwestern feel
William Clark/Daily Senior Staffer
The bar at Farmhouse. The restaurant opened in July of 2013.
February 28, 2022
This photo essay is a part of the Hot from the Oven series, a profile on local Evanston eateries to get a glimpse behind-the-scenes of their staff, clientele and history.
Farmhouse opened in July of 2013, and is located at 703 Church St. in Evanston. The restaurant is “farm to tavern” — all burgers, condiments and sodas are made from scratch, and the kitchen sources ingredients from local Midwestern farms.
The front of Farmhouse Evanston. Farmhouse is located at the corner of Church Street and Orrington Avenue.
Twitter: @willsclark01