Suffredin releases list of 6th Ward resident priorities for new City Council

Daily file photo by Katie Pach

Ald. Tom Suffredin (6th). Suffredin released a list of resident priorities for the upcoming City Council on Monday.

Jacob Fulton, Print Managing Editor

Before Evanston’s 81st City Council was sworn in, Ald. Tom Suffredin (6th) released a list of resident priorities he said he plans to work toward in his second term.

After winning re-election against candidate Katie Trippi in early April, Suffredin reached out to his constituents to ask for ideas to work on in his next term. In a Monday issue of his 6th Ward newsletter, he said he looked forward to serving as the 6th Ward’s alderperson for another term. 

Many residents said they would like to see the city prioritize the revitalization of the Evanston economy, which has seen significant closures in the wake of COVID-19. One response described the city’s downtown as a “ghost town,” and others echoed the sentiment that the new City Council will need to work closely with business owners to rebuild Evanston’s once-vibrant local business scene.

Others called on Suffredin to work with the other alderpeople to ensure Northwestern is paying more in taxes to the city. NU’s relationship with Evanston was a point of discussion throughout this year’s municipal election cycle. Many residents said the University does not contribute enough to the city due to its non-taxable status as an institution of higher education. 

Residents also mentioned defunding the police, environmental sustainability and continuing reparations work as priorities in the survey. 

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