New policy to mandate diversity in the hiring process is now up for community review

Daily file photo by Catherine Buchaniec

Rebecca Crown Center, which includes the office of the Provost. The new hiring policy aims to increase diversity in University staffing.

Tal Schatsky, Assistant Campus Editor

Northwestern’s Policy Review Committee sought community feedback on the newly introduced Diverse Candidate Slates policy in a Friday email.

The policy, developed by NU’s Office of Human Resources, mandates the University consider a diverse slate of candidates for each position and form diverse search committees.

“The objectives of this policy are to establish procedures that will support equitable and inclusive recruitment processes, increase the level of talent across the University, mitigate the historic adverse impact of bias on protected and Underrepresented groups in the recruitment and selection process, and ensure leadership accountability in upholding Northwestern’s Mission,” the policy reads.

The search process to fill a position must include a “Diverse Candidate Slate” — qualified individuals belonging to underrepresented groups within the job area — and both internal and external search committees must be diverse. Interviewers, hiring managers and internal search committee members will have to undergo unconscious bias training.

The policy applies to executive, managerial, administrative, professional, research, technical and clerical positions, as well as firms providing the University their hiring services.

The policy adds that promotions will be managed with greater transparency to ensure all “similarly situated candidates” receive consideration.

Managers are also expressly barred from taking “protected characteristics” into account when making hiring decisions, including race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity or expression, age, disability, citizenship or veteran status, religion, national origin or sexual orientation.

According to the Friday email, the policy draft alongside supplemental FAQs will be available online for review for 45 days. Community members can email questions or comments to [email protected] until March 7 to be shared with the Policy Review Committee.

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @binahschatsky

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