Peregrine Falcons to be named and banded next month at Evanston library
Daily file photo by Colin Boyle.
A peregrine falcon.
May 23, 2019
Peregrine falcons will be banded and named next month at Evanston Public Library, according to a library news release.
For the last 16 years, a pair of peregrines have nested at EPL. This year, four eggs were laid in March, hatching earlier this month. Through collaboration with the Field Museum, EPL seeks to help recover the population of peregrine falcons that were once on the Endangered Species list.
Mary Hennen is the assistant collections manager of the birds division and director of Chicago peregrine falcons at the Field Museum. She will come to EPL on June 6 to band the baby falcons that hatched this month and answer questions for the pubic. Banding is a technique used to identify and keep track of individual birds. In this process, scientist put aluminium or colored bands around a bird’s leg. The young falcons will be removed from the nest, brought inside and then returned to the nest after the event.
In addition, the pair of birds will be named at the event. People are also invited to enter a contest to name the baby. Individuals must submit baby names and reasons for their choices by midnight on May 30 to Last year, four falcons hatched at the library after an unsuccessful season in 2017. Some of the winners of last year’s naming contest submissions included Karen and Tango.
Winners of the contest will be offered two front row seats for the banding event. Falcon t-shirts will also be available for purchase.
The event will take place June 6 at 10:30 a.m. at EPL. Seating is based on a first-come, first-serve basis. In the meantime, individuals can view the baby falcons live at, where they are currently nesting with their mother.
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