University updates Alcohol and Other Drug Resources website

Gabby Birenbaum, Assistant Campus Editor

The University updated its Alcohol & Other Drug Resources website to provide further information for community members, according to a University news release Tuesday.

Facets of the new website include details on Northwestern’s Amnesty through Responsible Action policy, statistics on undergraduate drinking at Northwestern and access to more services for additional help.

Dean of students Todd Adams said in the release that the updates were made so students can make educated decisions on alcohol usage.

“We know students drink, and we know they make choices around drinking,” Adams said. “We want them to be knowledgeable. We want them to be safe and take protective measures.”

The statistics section includes data that is both encouraging and concerning, the release stated.

About a third of first-year students and 20 percent of the undergraduate student body choose not to drink, Adams said. Among those who do, two-thirds drink within the “lower-risk” guidelines, not consuming more than four daily drinks for men and three for women.

However, Adams said almost 24 percent of female undergraduates consume a “higher-risk” amount of alcohol: four to five drinks in a day. Among male undergraduates, 23.5 percent consume between five and seven drinks, the male “higher-risk” threshold.

“We want to provide insight into the drinking culture and student behaviors at Northwestern, and we think the data help,” Adams said. “We know that our community — our students, parents and employees — are rabid consumers of data. We think that putting this information out for review can help spark discussions and influence decisions.”

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