The Home Depot owes city $15,000

Keshia Johnson/The Daily Northwestern

The Home Depot, 2201 Oakton St., owes the city more than $15,000 in outstanding invoices for yard waste stickers, the city announced Monday. The stickers will no longer be available for sale at the store.

Nora Shelly, City Editor

The Home Depot, 2201 Oakton St., owes Evanston more than $15,000 for yard waste stickers, city officials announced Monday.

The yard waste stickers will no longer be available at the store. According to the city’s statement, most of the invoices the city has issued to the store are more than a year old, in spite of repeated attempts to collect the funds.

In 2015, Evanston spent $119,408.50 at The Home Depot but the city will no longer buy goods from the store.

The stickers, which run at $1.75 apiece, must be placed on the paper bags of yard waste in order to be picked up by the city. Additionally, residents may order reusable yard waste carts, which cost $82.50 each and carry a $25 annual fee. The carts allow for an unlimited amount of yard waste to be picked up.

Yard waste is collected weekly on regular refuse and recycling collection days.

Evanston residents can buy yard-waste stickers at various locations, including three Jewel-Osco locations and the Levy Senior Center at 300 Dodge Ave.

Twitter: @noracshelly