The Evanston Police Department recently collaborated with a crime-tracking website to release a map of crimes in the city.
Residents can type in their addresses on the website to see crimes happening nearby. The incidents show up as different colored icons on the map according to the various types of crimes. The map also displays information on disturbance calls and registered sex offenders in the area. A click on the icons reveals details about each crime that can be shared with other people.
The map was the first thing EPD tweeted about on its new Twitter account, @EvanstonPD, which it launched Monday
Cmdr. Jay Parrott said the map and new Twitter handle are aimed at improving EPD’s communication with residents. EPD receives many inquiries about crimes in different neighborhoods, especially from people out of town, such as businesses and individuals moving to Evanston, Parrott said.
“The whole idea is to get information out easier and quicker,” he said.
The crime information on the map can be delayed for up to three days as officers upload information to the website, Parrott said. Residents can also check the daily crime bulletins listed on EPD’s website for information on crimes.
— Jia You