Meet The Daily’s winter columnists

Joseph Misulonas and Caryn Lenhoff, Forum Editors

After a brief hiatus to begin the quarter, the Forum section is back. Here is an introduction to the ten columnists who will be writing for The Daily this quarter:

Blair Dunbar

I am a sophomore majoring in Slavic Studies and history. I have always loved writing and have been involved with both The Daily and North by Northwestern since coming to college. I am also a member of Jumpstart Corps and Alpha Chi Omega Sorority and am a coxswain for the crew team. In my free time I enjoy running, going to the movies or getting coffee. I have a deep obsession with dogs and all things Russian. I also tend to start up random hobbies. I have just recently started knitting, and I love baking, especially pies. People’s behavior and interactions with one another fascinate me. That’s why I would like to write about relationships, but not just romantic ones. I want to write about the relationships people have with their friends, family, and even objects. I am a keen observer, so I believe I can provide an interesting perspective on people’s behavior.

Ziwe Fumudoh

My name is Ziwe Fumudoh. I am from Massachusetts. I am currently a junior in the School of Communication. I am double majoring in Radio, Television, and Film and African American Studies, with a minor in Creative Writing: Poetry.

Meredith Goodman

My name is Meredith Goodman. I will again be focusing on sports issues and their moral relevance in society. I am a sophomore economics major from Austin, Texas. While growing up, I developed a passion for all sports, especially football. Aside from sports, I enjoy writing, reading The New York Times and learning about business. My dream column would be congratulating the Wildcats on their first NCAA basketball tournament berth. I would like to give a shout-out to former Daily staffer Mike Wilbon at ESPN. Mr. Wilbon, I hope you enjoy my column.

Jan Jaro

I’m a sophomore in McCormick double majoring in chemical engineering and economics. I have a passion for complex topics at the intersection of technology, management, and policy. Throughout the day, I often read, The Economist, Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal. Sometimes I find myself up at 4 a.m. reading Wikipedia articles on cutting-edge science or the latest in economic theory. I relish being able to tie together what I know from so many different fields of intellectual discourse, and writing is one way for me to express my thoughts. Besides being a total geek, you can find me watching or playing sports. I’ve played competitive golf for 15 years and I absolutely love both kinds of football (the American and international varieties). It’s my second quarter writing for Forum, and I’m looking forward to it.

Jonathan Kamel

I am a freshman from Chicago. I am majoring in political science with a certificate in the Initiative for Sustainability and Energy program at Northwestern. I am an avid Cubs, Bears, Bulls and NU fan with an occasional interest in pro tennis. I consider myself a long distance runner, having run throughout high school and completed a half marathon. One of my goals, besides obtaining a law degree, is to run a marathon in less than three hours. My main academic interests are American politics, history, and international relations. I look forward to joining the Forum team and sharing my thoughts with the NU community.

Ryan Kearney

Hey everyone, I’m Ryan, and I’m very excited to be a part of the Forum for a second quarter. I’m a sophomore Radio-TV-Film major and am originally from the western suburbs of Chicago. I love current events, pop culture, politics, the entertainment world, and writing about such things, so you can expect that from my column. I hope this bio has sufficiently hooked you, and I can’t wait to get started again.

Michael Kurtz
I’m a senior and my main involvement on campus is as co-President of the Political Union. After graduation, I would like to work on Capitol Hill, because I spend quite a bit of my time reading and thinking about what is going on in Washington, D.C., so why not work there, too? I like writing about politics, current events, issues that affect students, social trends and, every once in a while, foreign policy.

Yoni Muller

Hi, my name is Yoni Muller. I’m a sophomore in Weinberg, and this is my second quarter with The Daily’s Forum section. I’m here to give you my outlook on whatever the hot topic is: school events, politics, Tarantino’s Oscar snub, you name it. I have serious delusions of grandeur and you will irreparably damage my ego if you don’t read, comment on, like, post and retweet my columns (as well as the columns of my remarkably talented coworkers. I’m a team player; wanna fight about it?) I’m looking forward to another great quarter of writing and hearing what all of you have to say.

Julianna Nunez

My name is Juli. I was born and raised in Chicago. My interests include writing about Chicago issues, drawing, reading shameless gossip sites and talking to myself as I cook dinner. I have been writing for many years, but I find current events and my life in Chicago to be my favorite things to share. I have worked for The Daily as a writer, columnist, cartoonist and worked as the editor in chief of the summer edition (what a summer it was). When I’m not writing or feeling self-important, I can usually be found in the yearbook office being passive-aggressive toward everyone or standing in front of a fridge. Any fridge, really.

Arabella Watters

As a Marketing Communications-cum-English Literature student transplanted from the deepest depths of Southern California, I exist in a constant dichotomy. I simultaneously love the clicking metronome of typewriter keys and the satisfied grumble of my banged up Macbook. I live for the nostalgia and modernity that comes with our tech-inundated world. Amid adventures in the Midwest and the occasional existential deliberation, I write, report, blog and entertain musings about the Next Big Thing. As a result, I’m happy to say that I’ve cultivated quite an addiction to the digital world and all it offers. I believe that we are at an epoch of digital integration and innovation, and despite my love for the tangible and authentic, there is no place I would rather be than working at the forefront of marketing in digital media. I think that we are at the tipping point of tech innovation that could alter the face of how we interact socially through our technology, and I know that I have the drive and perspective to be a part of that change. I believe that the opportunities we have for the digital space are boundless and I want to be a part of replicating our emotional and connective human experiences in the digital sphere. As a result, I will write future columns about innovation in business as well as marketing.