It’s week four and if midterms haven’t already started for you, I have a sneaking suspicion that they’re just around the corner. Late nights are inevitable, and you’re bound to need some fuel for after-hours studying.
Late at night, it can often seem like there isn’t anything around that’s worth eating, and your only option is to go for a bag of cookies you got at the C-store. But Double Stuff Oreos hardly count as brain food, and they won’t help you recharge. I would like to make a toast to successful studying. Actually, I would like for you to make this toast.
A friend of mine recently told me about a snack that curbs hunger and gives her a nice break from studying. It’s comfort food that doesn’t make you too relaxed to prepare for exams.
You start with some toast. Then pick a spread (peanut butter, Nutella, cream cheese or maybe just butter). Slice up your favorite fruit and any other flavor enhancers you deem deliciously appropriate (like cinnaMonday, honey, sugar or brown sugar). If you aren’t going for anything particularly healthy then you could go for something sweeter (marshmallows or chocolate chips).
The possibilities are pretty much endless. Since it doesn’t require actually cooking, making your snack is as easy – and delicious – as pie.
If it’s a legitimate meal you’re seeking, then I hope you know there are several ways to get a full-fledged meal to your door. If you haven’t discovered Wildcat Express Delivery, I encourage you to take advantage of it. It’s especially convenient for group studying because you can split the cost of delivery, and people can order from places with a larger menu than Papa John’s. Also, can be your friend – it’s a site where you can look for restaurants in the area that deliver. Go to the page, type in your zip code and bookmark the results so you can find what you want when your stomach realizes that Orgo made you miss dinner.
This was originally published in The Current, a weekly supplement to The Daily Northwestern.