Bedrooms or brothels?
For a top school, Northwestern’s housing is pretty awful. When friends from other schools visit me (especially those darn state-school kids with their on-campus apartments just made for drunken after-football-game victory parties) their first reaction to my Allison Hall room is usually one of horrified disgust quickly followed by, “And you guys call this the pretty dorm?”
My favorite part is when they walk into the bathroom and realize that they’re actually supposed to take showers in those mildewed, damp-curtained cubbies.
While I like NU and think the crappy housing is more than made up for, my friends and I still decided that we would move off campus for sophomore year. Our goal? An apartment that doesn’t constantly reek of burned popcorn and vodka.
So six female Allison-ites began our apartment hunt excitedly, convinced that we would soon find a four-bedroom apartment gorgeously cheap enough to convince our parents that a kitchen was worth their peace of mind.
However, during our first apartment tour we learned that Evanston has a law stating that for each female last name in an apartment, there needs to be another bedroom.