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Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Maanas Bhatt, incoming vice president for student activities finances, speaks about the funding legislation at Wednesday’s ASG senate meeting. The legislation will make the process easier for smaller groups to obtain funding, Bhatt said.

ASG passes legislation to revamp student group funding process, restructures leadership positions

March 7, 2019

Associated Student Government passed legislation to restructure the leadership of its student group funding process during a Wednesday Senate meeting. Student groups that receive ASG funding are currently...

Vice President for A-Status Finances Isabel Dobbel. ASG-recognized student groups will no longer be classified as A or B-Status starting in Spring Quarter, Dobbel said.

ASG to revamp student group financing process in Spring

November 30, 2018

Associated Student Government held a town hall Thursday to introduce a new system for funding student groups starting in Spring Quarter 2019. The new system will categorize events, rather than groups...

ASG president Nehaarika Mulukutla speaks during an ASG Senate meeting. Mulukutla presented reforms to ASG’s funding process for student groups, which were unanimously passed by Senate.

ASG Senate overhauls student organization funding system

April 12, 2018

Associated Student Government Senate unanimously voted to pass a finance committee code change Wednesday that will overhaul the way student groups are funded. The code change, which was presented by...

Brad Zakarin, Tim DeBold and Paul Hubinsky — members of the Undergraduate Residential Experience Committee — discuss the housing report with Associated Student Government senators Wednesday. Senators also elected two new vice presidents during their meeting.

ASG gives feedback on housing report, elects vice presidents

March 8, 2018

Associated Student Government senators gave feedback to members of the Undergraduate Residential Experience Committee, apportioned student organization seats for the next school year and elected two new...

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Shreyas Tallamraju