Northwestern Political Union gathered Monday at 1902 Sheridan Rd. to debate whether the House of Congress should impeach President Donald Trump.
The debate comes in the wake of a whistleblower report...
At their first debate of the year, Northwestern Political Union voted for a mock resolution in support of the decriminalization of illegal immigration.
As a crowd of around 60 packed inside the Buffet...
Northwestern Political Union hosted its first Spring Quarter debate on whether the Second Amendment should be repealed. The debate was held Monday evening at the Buffett Institute for Global Studies....
Northwestern may create a committee that would weigh the social implications of its investments to address issues brought up by Northwestern Divest, Fossil Free NU and other movements, the University’s...
Speakers from The Onion and the White House visited Northwestern and spoke about freedom of speech Wednesday in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo shootings that left 12 people dead in January.
Mike Gillis and...