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Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

Northwestern University and Evanston's Only Daily News Source Since 1881

The Daily Northwestern

5 former, current ASG officials endorse David and Jo for president, executive vice president

April 16, 2013

When we came to Northwestern, each of us was looking for something different. However, we all shared one thing in common — we wanted to find students who were active and engaged beyond their educational...

The Associated Student Government launched two new online services during Winter Quarter. The websites have garnered mixed reviews from students.

New Associated Student Government services receive mixed reviews in initial weeks

April 4, 2013

Two online services launched Winter Quarter by Associated Student Government have been met with mixed reviews. David Harris, services vice president, said about 200 students are registered on Cab Corner,...

Associated Student Government president Victor Shao and executive vice president Brad Stewart note CampusVoice as a major accomplishment of their administration. Students will elect new ASG officers this month.

Victor Shao, Brad Stewart’s year improves campus-ASG communication

April 3, 2013

Associated Student Government president Victor Shao and executive vice president Brad Stewart reflected Wednesday on their time in office, calling improved communication between ASG and students the hallmark...

ASG services committee aims to accommodate students with new online resources

February 21, 2013

The Associated Student Government launched a new cab sharing service for Northwestern students Wednesday, one of several online projects the services committee is launching this year. Cab Corner is...

Weinberg senior Girish Pendse presents recommended sanctions on three student groups for violating the Student Activities Finance Committee rules. The vote preceded ASG's discussion of new business regarding wider campus issues including missing  journalist James Foley (Medill '08) and the disaffiliation with Tannenbaum Chabad House.

ASG addresses Foley, Chabad House at senate

February 14, 2013

Legislation proposed at Wednesday's senate meeting discussed how Associated Student Government could get involved with wider issues, from both Evanston and abroad, affecting Northwestern. ASG passed...

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