Evanston senior activities canceled indefinitely

Emma Edmund, City Editor

COVID-19 News

All Evanston senior classes, programs and activities have been canceled indefinitely, a Thursday update stated.

The update comes in the wake of the growing threat of COVID-19, the disease caused by what’s known commonly as the novel coronavirus. Older adults and people with preexisting medical conditions — including heart disease, diabetes and lung disease — face a higher risk of developing a more severe sickness from the coronavirus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Levy Senior Center team said these cancelations are designed to limit the spread of coronavirus to Evanston’s senior population. People aged 62 and over make up about 15 percent of Evanston’s population, according to Evanston’s 2010 Census General Profile.

Among the activities canceled include senior classes at the Levy Senior Center and the Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center’s congregate meal program. The Levy Senior Center bus will also no longer pick up or drop off seniors until further notice.

Seniors enrolled in the congregate meal program can still request to pick up a lunch from the Levy Senior Center, the update stated. Staff can either bring the lunch to their cars, or seniors can pick the meals up inside, but they will not be allowed to eat at the center.

Seniors will not be allowed to congregate at the center, either. The fitness room and computer lab at the center will also be closed.

If you have an older relative or care for a senior, the CDC has outlined some steps you can take to make sure you are as prepared as possible for the spread of COVID-19. For example, you can stock up on extra medications, stock up on non-perishable items to minimize trips to stores, know about outbreak protocols if the person you know is living in a care facility and monitor the that person’s food and medical supply needs, creating back-up plans if necessary.

Staff will be on hand to answer phone calls and emails at the Levy Senior Center and other affected centers.

“We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we work to help keep all of our participants safe during this time,” the Levy Senior Center team said.

Email: emmaedmund2022@u.northwestern.edu
Twitter: @emmaeedmund