Pulitzer Prize winner Emily Nussbaum to speak at Northwestern

Erica Snow, Assistant Campus Editor

Pulitzer Prize winner Emily Nussbaum, television critic for The New Yorker, will speak at Northwestern on June 1, Contemporary Thought Speakers Series announced Thursday.

Nussbaum, who won the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for criticism, has been a critic for The New Yorker since 2011. She is also known for her writing about shows such as HBO’s “Girls” and AMC’s “Mad Men.”

Weinberg junior Ben Zimmermann, co-chair of CTSS, said Nussbaum’s work has “fueled” a rise in discussion about TV shows. He said debate is now part of the “daily lexicon.”

“We think, obviously, the intersection of entertainment and pop culture with news and current events is really important,” Zimmermann said. “What she writes about and her passion and her focus is very related to that.”

The event, which will be held in Harris Hall, will be moderated by English and gender and sexuality studies Prof. Nick Davis. Tickets are not required and seating will be first come, first serve.

Email: ericasnow2019@u.northwestern.edu
Twitter: @ericasnoww