Police Blotter: Residential burglary of two bicycles valued at $4000

Juliet Freudman, Reporter

A 51-year-old Evanston resident reported Tuesday two bicycles stolen from her garage at her home in the 1100 block of Asbury Avenue.

The woman said someone entered her garage through an unlocked side door sometime between Sunday at noon and Tuesday at 6:30 a.m., Evanston police Cmdr. Joseph Dugan said. The stolen bicycles, a graphite-gray Cannondale and an aqua-blue Bianchi, are valued at a total of $4,000. Other less expensive bicycles in the garage were left untouched, Dugan said.

No suspects have been identified.

Bicycle tires stolen by Davis CTA station

A Glen Ellyn, Illinois, resident reported Monday to the Evanston Police Department that the tires were missing from the bicycle she left at a bicycle rack by the Davis CTA station.

The woman reported that she had locked it to a bicycle rack in the 900 block of Davis Street on Friday afternoon and noticed the tires missing Monday at 1:15 p.m., Dugan said.

The tires of the Trek 930 bicycle are valued at $100, Dugan said.

There are currently no suspects.

Email: julietfreudman2019@u.northwestern.edu
Twitter: @girlwhojumped