Interfaith leader Eboo Patel to speak on campus Friday

Fathma Rahman, Assistant Campus Editor

Eboo Patel, a speaker who focuses on interfaith cooperation, will speak at Alice Millar Chapel on Friday, almost a month after two Northwestern students allegedly vandalized the building with racist and homophobic graffiti.

Patel, founder and president of Interfaith Youth Core, previously served as an adviser to President Barack Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. He will speak during an event focused on the University’s efforts to maintain an inclusive community, according to a news release.

Two students allegedly vandalized the chapel March 11 and were charged with institutional vandalism, hate crime to a place of worship and criminal damage to property.

“Northwestern is committed to creating a safe, secure and welcoming environment for all of our students, faculty and staff,” University President Morton Schapiro said in an email shortly after the incident. “This disgusting act of hatred violates the deepest values and core commitments of our University and is an affront to us all.”

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