Four pairs of students have thrown their hats in the ring to succeed Victor Shao and Brad Stewart as Associated Student Government president and executive vice president.
The four tickets that will appear on the ballot April 19 are SESP juniors David Harris and Josephine Lee, Weinberg junior Ani Ajith and McCormick junior Alex Van Atta, Weinberg juniors Aaron Zelikovich and Henry Brooke, and SESP junior Benison Choi and Weinberg junior Danny Kim, ASG announced this evening. Candidates had until 5 p.m. today to gather the 300-350 signatures necessary to run in the election.
The organization also announced the candidates for student life vice president — where Bienen freshman Harrison Flagler and Communication junior Anna Kottenstette, a Daily staffer, will square off to succeed Van Atta — and academic vice president — where Weinberg junior Sofia Sami is running unopposed to succeed McCormick junior Neil Mehta.
When non-verbal campaigning, flyering and social media promotion kicks off at 12:01 a.m. Monday, the candidates will face a slightly different set of rules than a year ago. Gone is the chance for a runoff, like the one that decided last year’s election in favor of Shao, a Weinberg senior, and Stewart, a Medill senior. Instead, in the event that no candidate achieves a majority of votes, the winner will be decided by ASG’s new preferential voting system. Candidates will also be limited to chalking and flyering in eight designated zones.
— Joseph Diebold