Block 6: Jingle Bells & Magic Spells

March 9, 2019

During Block 6, Pet Partners brought in five dogs for dancers to interact with if they earned the perk. Pet Partners’ mission is to “improve human health and well-being through the human-animal bond,” according to their website. While dancers bonded with and provided many pets for the dogs, several commented on how seeing a dog brightened their spirits.

Allie Goulding/Daily Senior Staffer
Chase is a 3 year old golden retriever.

“I just love him so much,” Medill freshman Samara Lipman said. “I’ve been dancing for the past — I can’t even tell how many hours, and coming to see Chase just invigorates me and makes me feel at home.”

“Napping made me feel so much worse, whereas dogs made me feel so much better,” McCormick junior Alexandru Nica said.

Allie Goulding/Daily Senior Staffer
Allie is a 3 year old golden retriever and lab mix. She was rescued from a shelter in Kentucky.

“I would dance 30 more hours for Allie,” Weinberg junior Kiara Kajatt said.

“She just ate my breakfast bar,” McCormick sophomore William Zeng said.

Christopher Vazquez/Daily Senior Staffer
Mollie was adopted, and is about 7 years old.

“I feel very relaxed, and I think my energy is starting to come back and rejuvenate me,” SESP freshman Bobby Read said. “I’m ready for the second half of Dance Marathon.”

“I’m not thinking about how much time I have left. I’m just thinking about how cute this dog is,” McCormick sophomore Charlie Stanier said.

“Dogs are really soft, and I love dogs,” McCormick junior Jeannette Wu said. “It’s a nice way to take a break from the tent.”

Christopher Vazquez/Daily Senior Staffer
Murray is a 9 year old sheltie.

“I tried to get around to all of the dogs,” Weinberg sophomore Ethan Reiss said. “It’s a stress reliever for several reasons. One, just sitting down in any way shape or form is really nice. But two, I don’t know, something about the fluffiness and innocence of dogs. It’s hard to describe. There’s just something great about them.”

Christopher Vazquez/Daily Senior Staffer
Madchen is a 5 year old black lab. Her name means “maiden” in German.

“Petting the dogs, right now, this has been my favorite moment of DM so far,” Medill junior Lilli Boice said. “I’ve got to pet so many soft dogs. I’m very happy about it. They’re just so cute, and this one is so small, but it looks like it should be a big dog.”

Allie Goulding/Daily Senior Staffer
Allie the golden retriever has a silver labrador sister named Windy. Allie’s favorite activity is chasing squirrels.

Allie, one of the five dogs brought in by Pet Partners, wanted to comment on what she likes about visiting sleep-deprived dancers.

“Bark. Bark,” Allie said.

Read more of The Daily’s coverage of Dance Marathon here.

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