Sonya Dymova/The Daily Northwestern
Weinberg freshman and Senator Eliza Marcus proposed a resolution to introduce reusable to-go cups in Northwestern dining halls.
The Associated Student Government Senate heard a new resolution on reusable to-go cups and discussed the New Student Organization Support Fund at its meeting Wednesday.
Weinberg freshman and Senator Eliza Marcus proposed a resolution to introduce the cups in Northwestern dining halls as part of the Ozzi program. The program allows students to take food with them but does not currently offer to-go cups.
“Every time we drink coffee, even if we’re not within the dining halls, we use these (single-use) cups,” she said. “I was looking into what kind of plastic they are and they’re not often accepted as recyclable. I just thought it was really wasteful.”
Marcus said there were reusable mugs in dining halls prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and she would like the University to reintroduce this option.
This week’s Senate meeting was one senator short of reaching quorum, so the Senate was unable to vote on previously proposed legislation. Senators will vote on Marcus’ resolution for reusable Ozzi cups next week.
Previous legislation to establish a University-wide inclement weather policy, include more gluten-free alternatives in the dining halls, place informational choking and first-aid posters in dorm common rooms, increase emergency preparedness and promote plant-based catering options for student events will all be voted on at next week’s meeting.
SESP sophomore and ASG president-elect Caleb Snead also briefed senators on the New Student Organization Support Fund Wednesday. Student organizations established within the past two years can apply by Sunday night for a portion of $5,000 to support their activities.
“Funding new student organizations is a bit riskier than funding established student organizations because they don’t have data to go off of,” Snead said. “The intention with new student orgs is to allow them to adapt and innovate. Having a grant like this gives student orgs room to understand the process in a safe and conscious manner.”
Snead, who established NSOSF in Fall Quarter, said he hopes to reform student group funding in his upcoming tenure as ASG co-president.
“Step one is to give student organizations more time,” he said. “Step two is to give them assistance during the time that they have. Step three is to use the data we’ve gathered from the past years and from our peer institutions to assess how we make decisions and make conscious alterations on our methodologies that best center the experience and value creation for the student body.”
SESP senior and Speaker of the Senate Leah Ryzenman said senators on the Board of Financial Review are available to meet with new student organizations to help them apply and answer questions about the funding process.
SESP senior and ASG Co-President Donovan Cusick said he requested a total of $870,000 per year from the University to cover the production costs of NU Dance Marathon, A&O Productions and Mayfest Productions events such as Dillo Day, which he said bring publicity to the University. The funding would also apply to the 14 largest cultural events on campus.
“If the administration would cover the production cost of those events, that frees up extra money that we can help distribute to the rest of the groups,” Cusick said.
At next week’s meeting, senators will vote on previously presented resolutions and distribute funding to new student groups.
Email: isaiahsteinberg2027@u.northwestern.edu
X: @IsaiahStei27
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