More respect from NUPD
What’s really wrong with some of the officers that make up the Northwestern University Police Department? It seems like they have a personal vendetta against Northwestern students.
It cost about $42,000 a year for me to attend this school and I’ll be damned if I let some university police officer treat me like crap. The trend with the university police assumes that they feel that they can do whatever they want and get away with it.
About a week and a half ago I was over a couple of my friends house and their party got broken up for a noise citation. The officers on the scene were “busy” so I called the non emergency number of the police station to find out the standard procedure for issuing noise citations.
I asked, “Do you issue one citation per apartment or does everyone receive a citation?” The officer told me that he couldn’t answer the question about a standard procedure unless I disclosed were I was. Then he proceeded to hang up the phone on me. Are you kidding me?
Some officers on the NUPD feel that they demand respect just because they carry a badge. Apparently we have conflicting viewpoints because in addition to paying your salary, I demand respect because I am a person. This makes three instances in which some of the university police have been out of order in their dealings with myself and people whom I am around.
Quite frankly, I’m tired of it.
However, what recourse can students take? I filed a complaint against an officer about a year ago and haven’t heard anything about it since then. When I call about it I get the run around.
My request: If I am cordial to you be cordial to me. You don’t have to like me as a student but don’t let that get in the way of you serving and protecting me during my stay at NU.