The race for academic vice president features two capablecandidates, yet only one with the experience and style to achievethe important goals facing Associated Student Government in thecoming year: Weinberg sophomore Prajwal Ciryam.
Ciryam, running for a second term, has made modest achievementsduring his tenure, namely restoring the “what-if” degree progressoption on CAESAR. He also helped organize a thoughtful andwell-attended the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration.
His work advancing target P/N and financial aid for SummerSession have finally opened some eyes within the administration.However, we strongly oppose his unrealistic and unnecessary planfor extending financial aid to international students, especiallywhen some American students, whose parents’ tax dollars help fundthe university, do not receive enough aid.
His opponent, Weinberg sophomore Jenna Carls, has the necessaryinstitutional know-how to be a serviceable academic vice presidentyet lacks Ciryam’s commanding leadership style. Ciryam has done asolid job so far, and we admire his decision to run for a secondterm and bring his works-in-progress to fruition.