Firing Squad misses its target with jab at event attendance
A little over a month ago, I remember talking to a fellow Associate Student Government senator about how The Daily completely misrepresented a comment I had made. He told me one is not a real student leader until he or she is misquoted by The Daily.
So I was not that surprised when Jerome C. Pandell, a Daily editor, completely fabricated the turnout of the Northwestern Class Alliance Senior Class Council’s bar night, an event I helped organize (The Firing Squad, Jan. 16).
Having 85 people in the 1999 area of Norris University Center is nothing to sneeze at. True, the numbers were not record-breaking. But considering competing events, such as African-American Theatre Ensemble’s Motown concert and the end of fraternity and sorority rush, I was pleasantly surprised at the turnout.
So, Mr. Pandell, I do appreciate you being one of the four attendees, because that would be the only way you would know how many came.