Northwestern students and faculty will have the opportunity toenter the ring this weekend and duke it out with their youngerrelatives as part of Sibs ‘n’ Kids Weekend.
The Campus Activities Office event offers students and facultythe chance to give their siblings and kids a sample of life at NUthrough a range of activities on campus and in Chicago.
“This is a weekend where siblings, cousins, family, friends andchildren of faculty and staff can come to Northwestern and hang outwith the students,” said Jeremy Wingerter, assistant director ofcampus activities.
The majority of the events, now in their second year, will takeplace at Norris University Center and include A&O Production’stwo special screenings of “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”in McCormick Auditorium at 7 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Friday. OnSaturday, participants can play inflatable Twister, fight withoversized, foam boxing gloves and sing karaoke on the ground levelof Norris.
Erica Futterman, a Medill freshman whose younger brother isvisiting this weekend, said the best part of the event will bespending time with her sibling.
“We don’t get to spend a lot of time together because I am fromNew York,” Futterman said.
Unlike last year, this weekend’s activities include optionalChicago trips to various museums and Navy Pier.
Participants can register or find out more information at